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Forum topic #638
Please send vote. I will 100% return it:)
By: zmarethova | 24-Nov-2015
Please be so kind and send vote to video in link. Just hit the VOTE button and then confirm your vote when the facebook window pops up. When you done with voting there will be a window where you can choose which product you can afterwards win. Good luck. You need a facebook account to do this. Thanks for every vote. I will return each and every one of your votes!!!
By: DMC22 -
On: 27-Nov-2015 04:26
just did countinue to vote for me as well.. i am at 132 need 9 more votes
just did countinue to vote for me as well.. i am at 132 need 9 more votes
By: zmarethova -
On: 26-Nov-2015 09:37
DMC22: Done. 120 votes. In exchange pelase share, tweet or anything else this link:
Thank you
DMC22: Done. 120 votes. In exchange pelase share, tweet or anything else this link:
Thank you
By: DMC22 -
On: 25-Nov-2015 00:52
i just voted......please vote for me too .....I appreciate it very much
click the link and select vote ensure ur logged into facebook
i just voted......please vote for me too .....I appreciate it very much
click the link and select vote ensure ur logged into facebook
By: octopus -
On: 24-Nov-2015 22:13
I voted for you, could you return the favor voting for us?
I voted for you, could you return the favor voting for us?
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Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /var/www/websites/voteexchange/http/library/Zend/Form.php on line 1144
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /var/www/websites/voteexchange/http/library/Zend/Form.php on line 1651