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Forum topic #632

IVHQ Volunteer of the Year Finalist

By: ybankole1 | 13-Nov-2015

I have recently been selected as a finalist for International Volunteer HQ Volunteer of the Year Award. Finalist have been selected from various countries and each finalist has a profile page, where the public can read about their volunteer experiences and why they believe they should win this award. The finalist with the most votes will ultimately be named Volunteer of the Year. Voting began on Nov. 10th, 2015 and will end on Tuesday, Nov. 24th. I am reaching out to all my fellow colleagues by asking for your support on this endeavor, through voting. Below is a link to my profile page:

Once you vote, it will send you an email to confirm your vote. Please confirm the vote through that email, otherwise the vote won't count.

I will vote for you in return! Thank you!

By: dolphinPan - On: 15-Nov-2015 20:26
OK, voted. Please help me vote. Just like my comment at the following URL:


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