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Forum topic #386

Vote for MoneyDesktop - Will RTF!
By: Danijo13 | 13-Nov-2013
My company (MoneyDesktop) has an awesome opportunity to be featured on the front cover of Utah Business Magazine! We have already been selected by the Magazine as one of the Best Companies To Work For - but how cool would it be to make the front cover!
Here is how we can all help make it happen:
1. Visit:
2. First, like the two companies (Utah Business Magazine & Motivosity) that appear in the two columns (first time only)
3. After liking those two companies, you will be able to vote for MoneyDesktop
4. Click on the stars to vote, and give MoneyDesktop a five-star rating
5. You can vote once every 24 hours - SO VOTE DAILY UNTILL NOVEMBER 17!!!
If you reply with your contest URL I will vote for yours!
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