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Forum topic #246

I WILL VOTE BACK, deadline- 1.march !! :)

By: Noomi | 25-Feb-2013

I need a lot of votes before 1.march ! :)

You'll probably need to log in via Facebook. The vote button is called "Atkvøð", it's for winning a flight ticket, so that I can go visit my sister, whom I can't afford visiting !

I will return the favor :) Appreciate it :)

By: aciddemo1 - On: 27-Feb-2013 01:09
Hello need Facebook likes/votes or votes in per IP voting contest?
Visit my website for more info:
or email me at
By: Noomi - On: 26-Feb-2013 21:14
I votet number 445 ! ;)
By: jolien91 - On: 26-Feb-2013 18:34
I can see it :) or vote
You have to click on "aanmelding" with the facebook-picture. Then you probalbly have to search for "Jolien Glenn". Then you have to click on "Stem". You can vote every day.
By: Noomi - On: 26-Feb-2013 15:32
thank you, yes but your page is blocked ?:/
By: jolien91 - On: 25-Feb-2013 18:50
106, do you vote back? It's daily:

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