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Forum topic #222

Need vote to win contest?

By: biplobbabu | 16-Jan-2013

We are team of nine members. We have our own pages, through them we promote our clients pages. We can provide unlimited number of votes for contest in really short time for our client. But, if you have enough time, then we will vote slowly. So the number of vote will increase gradually. Or 2000 votes in 24hrs.

Contact us if you want to win any contest.

skype- biplobbabu
gtalk - aalambabu
yahoo - biplob_babu07
Thank you

By: Mrtwist - On: 01-Mar-2013 02:31
I need a ton of votes spread out till May 12, 2013 for a friend of mine.. unique IPs and you have to vote via Facebook and/Twitter...
I would greatly appreciate it!
By: aciddemo1 - On: 17-Jan-2013 04:01
Hello need Facebook likes/votes or votes in per IP voting contest?
Visit my website for more info:

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