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Forum topic #191

Please vote for Jennifer! FB vote! I will RTF!!
By: nenosaurusrawr | 12-Nov-2012
Hello everyone! May I please have your vote so I have a greater chance at winning! Thank you all for your support! I will return the favor :)
Step 1:
Step 2: "Like" Tiger Direct and except the application from OfferPop
Step 3: Click on the blue VOTE tab to the right of my video!
Thank you again!!!

Hello need Facebook likes/votes or votes in per IP voting contest?
Visit my website for more info:

i tried but said i already voted!
all votes returned please vote! please rtf Can only use desktop view on facebook or on a computer If you already voted for someone, you can vote tomorrow! Search Eliana See 2 babies holding hands, laying in bed , this is Eliana! (please make sure u vote for correct photo) Can vote 5 times, each day for a month Can vote now through Dec 6
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